Wednesday, September 28, 2005

The other day I finally got a reply asking about my beef with Blogger, so I did reply. Now, let us see what they do about it, if anything. A few minutes ago I was denied access to my own site, so Heaven knows what that was all about.

I broke my collar-bone the other day, so typing is a pain. I'll quit for the night.

Standing Firm

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Blogger's Flag feature allows moronic censorship.
Yes, Blogger has this feature that is supposed to alert us to sites that may be offensive, but what is offensive to one might simply be a difference of political viewpoints. That is what is happening to me on my Blog here. Someone must love that cockroach fidelito a great deal to begin censoring my views about him. Imagine! Censorship by Google.

Or by some morons. Morons do such things.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Well, I have fought for the past ten days to get my Blog "unflagged" and finally, finally they've taken care of it. The "flagging" is an attempt by Blogger to make content a bit more palitable for all, but I'm afraid that it is something that simply cannot be done. Just as the Spammers have done, those who want to put up porn will continue to find ways to circumvent the safeguards. Nothing is sacred to them.

In the meantime, those of us who do a good job, those of us who do not offend one's sensibilities, can get caught in this strange Web and find ourselves being censored by people with devious political agendas. That's what apparently happened to me.

Let's hope that it has been resolved and you'll be able to find my blogs regularly.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

CENSORSHIP - censorship
Watch as Blogger censors this latest entry. It will disappear, but I have notified the newspapers and computer magazines that Blogger has censors deleting anything of a conservative nature, and I fully intend to write to Google's CEO.

I do not accept any interfering with my right to freely express myself. I have not done anyone any harm. If Blogger personnel have a different political stance, so much for them. But, when you interfere with me, then I make sure you get the fullest attention possible...from one end of the country to the other.

I am posting my Blogs again. Let's see how long it takes you to take them down.

Howard E. Morseburg

Friday, September 09, 2005

La Cucaracha Grande

Unless plans are in place well in advance of the day fidelito, La Grande Cucaracha (the Great Cockroach), dies, the chance for the long-suffering Cubans to change their current oppressive and tyrannical form of government in Cuba will be lost. His death, in my opinion, will not create a vacuum.

The press in the U.S. and Europe will have page after page reciting his imaginary accomplishments, and little of it will be negative. Therefore, he'll die a world renowned and respected hero; the government in charge in Havana will be prepared to take full advantage of it and they will.

There will be a funeral parade with dignitaries from all over the world in attendance. It will give some semblance of legitimacy to his illegal and illegitimate successor. The media can do that, you know. Fidelito, was a tyrannical dictator, for 46 years a feared authoritarian figure who had no mandate, morally or legally, to rule Cuba, and neither will Raul, his expected successor. That's the way communists always operate, beginning with a string of executions of those who oppose them, and you can expect the same of Raul.

It will take more than words to bring back a democratic form of Government to Cuba, more than wishful thinking, more than Blogs, comments, emails and letters. It will take some type of immediate, direct and forceful action. Without it, Cubans are doomed to continue to suffer from the utopian visions of an old Munchausian wind-bag, until his long-awaited demise. It can hardly benefit them at this point, because he took power by force, has held onto it through force of arms by controlling the milirary, and it seems obvious that the only way that democracy will ever be restored in Cuba is also through the use of force.

If there is there a ranking officer with a loyal following who will asassinate or execute Raul and declare Cuba free of Socialism, that seems to be the only plausible way itmight occur. If so, any such officer or group of them are unknown outside of Havana at this time. If there is such a person, he would face a firing squad early the following day if anyone in Havana had the slightest suspicion about where his loyalties lie. Dictatorships do not give up nor do they fall easily.

It is certain that some people close to fidelito will be marked for a quick demise if and when Raul Castro (another cucaracha) succeeds his brother, unless they manage to hit the airport on the run and a plane is waiting there, fueled and ready to take off. That is the nature of the beast when the mantle of power is passed on in this type of corrupt Dictatorship. It is all about power and money.

I've often wondered at the injustice of it all, that extremely violent men seem to exit this life peacefully, while so many peaceful and law-abiding men and women have died such violent and horrendous deaths at the hands of these tyrants? The eulogies in the press mention little about their atrocities and they pass on into history, almost as if they were Saints and Martyrs. Mierda. Mierda.
Most likely there will be only a brief opportunity to make a change, to throw the current regime out, and if it is missed it will take a substantive effort at any other point in time. The uprising has to be so quick and spontaneous that Havana cannot react fast enough, but they are most likely ready and well prepared for such an eventuality. The main question is: Will the regime order the Army shoot at the people and bring on a bloodbath? If so, hundreds, if not thousands, will die. If, on the other hand, the Army joins the people, the world's most complete socialist failure will finally fall and something else will replace it, but what? At the very least, any cracks showing between branches of the Cuban government must be exploited instantly or the tyranny will continue.

An internal uprising of the Cuban people, were it to happen, would have the best chance of success if it took place and concentrated its' efforts in the Tourist Zone, because there it would be more difficult for the Cuban Armed Forces to use bullets and brutality in front of witnesses, armed with hundreds of cameras, from the international community. However, the documentation of atrocities, while important, seldom keeps the attention of the world's press for too long.


Castro's name was constantly in the world's press long before he took the reins of power, and the world accepted him because he was always pictured as the hero, supposedly there to rescue his people from the evil rule of the evil dictator, Juan Batista. Little did they realize then, nor will they admit now, that what came after was more evil and tyrannical than Batista had ever been! Now there is not a single name that stands out in Cuba, because the Castro regime has seen to that. There is no leader in the wings to oppose the government in Havana once he is gone, with the exception of his annointed successor, Raul.

Can a Joan of Arc suddenly appear and mobilize the masses? It would not surprise me if, upon the death of fidelito, summary executions of prisoners who might be considered threats to Raul and his cohorts were carried out in the prisons. There is no Cuban Government in Exile either to which Cubans can look for headership and help, or to seek an international outcry. (They certainly cannot turn to the United Nations for succor, in any case). That presents a major problem for an uprising, because any group that makes such attempt while based in Cuba might be captured and quickly executed. At that point the uprising would be over. The fact that Raul controls the armed forces and weaponry presents a rebelling citizenry with another conundrum: Without weapons...what can they expect to accomplish?


What if a huge flotilla of boats manned by Cubans, thousands of them, were ready to head across the straits to Cuba as soon as news of fidelito's death became public, a huge Peace Parade by sea, to show soldarity with the Cuban populace that wants to throw off the heavy yoke of tyranny? What if?
Is there any International law or anything in the United Nations' charter forbidding Cuban citizens from returning to their own country to exercise their rights to speak out? Wouldn't the United Nations would be forced to support them and fight for their rights? The government in Havana has no legal mandate to govern, no elections to substantiate them, and never put up any candidates!

If such a flotilla suddenly appeared ready to go, the U.S. Navy and the U.S. Coast Guard would warn them to turn back, but they too would have to be prepared for such an eventuality and it could be too overwhelming to halt. It would take a fleet of ships, half the U.S. Navy, to patrol the Straits to stop such a CRUSADE, were it to happen. On the other hand, how would the Cuban Coast Guard respond? Would they welcome the visitors or would they follow the orders of Raul Castro, if he gave them, and resist the interlopers with gunfire? If they ventured inside the Cuban 12 Mile Limit it would be anyone's guess and all in the hands of fate. It is time for the "worms (los Gusanos) to (re)turn".

The day of the rule of La Cucaracha Grande is over, but changes do not just happen; they must be made to happen!

Someone has to lead, to set the pace, and others have to be willing to follow that leader. Talk is just that, talk. Talk without action is useless.

Waiting for someone to die is useless; the preparations have already been made for the next leader, Raul. Raul is not just going to quietly fold up his tent and fly away! All worthy or perceived opposition was eliminated long ago by the crafty and murderous fidelito, so who is there to effect a change now? The Cuban populace is too weak physically from long years of food deprivation and lacking the freedom to assemble, they have never been able to muster the strength to present a formidable opposition internally. Without help from the outside, it would most likely be futile to hope for a change.

Nature and life are unpredictable. The sudden death of Raul (naturally or otherwise) could throw a monkey-wrench into the perceived plans of succession, and that would be an opportunity for freeing Cubans from their oppressive government.Imagine, in all this time, not a single newspaper has taken the initiative to expose the lies, deceit, corruption, mistakes, mismanagement, ignorance, incompetence, outright thefts and fraud that has been perpetuated in Cuba and on the world for 46 years! Here is what makes it so obvious, but the liberal attitude of much of the Media, many of the reporters so biased in favor of Castro for reasons that are unfathomable, have not paid THE SLIGHTEST BIT OF ATTENTION TO IT:(IV) GET A HORSE! OR A CAMEL.1) The public transportation system is below standard even for many Third World countries. It is a total mess. Horse and wagon transportation is now common in many rural areas, and behind that of several Central or South American countries and far below what it was even under the rule of Juan Batista. Trucks, with people standing up and holding on in the cargo area, are used as transpoortion (a pun) between many cities. They're dangerously unsafe in all respects. People are seen clinging to the sides of buses in the larger cities. One type of bus is the huge oddly shaped "Camel", used to transport Cubans in discomfort and heat in Havana. It is an endless nightmare for Cubans to travel, even after they get the necessary Government permission to do so.

2) The classic old buildings and homes have fallen into disrepair or total collapse from neglect, most of them now unsalvageable. Living conditions are horrendous with Cubans living in buildings that are on the verge of collapse, while the government that expropriated them from the legal owners shows no interest in maintaining them even at minimal levels required for minimal standards for the tenants. Many areas resemble German towns after the war, entire blocks devastated as if struck by aerial bombs. It has to be terribly depressing for the residents, but they can neither do anything to rectify their own situation nor about government indifference to their plight.(V) Genius Castro Dismembers Cattle and Sugarcane Industries

3) Cattle exports, and the meat and hide business, a successful and homegrown industry since the arrival of Columbus, one that needed no outside support in the past, has gone downhill since Castro arrived. Those ranchers who weren't executed, fled. The industry is in a shambles, devastated by Havana's false ideology. Cubans were self-sufficient in meat (beef) before 1958. Meat consumption per capita was 56 lbs. Today it is minimal, at best. *Milk consumption averaged 156 liters per person, and they were self-sufficient in cheese as well, but today only children under two and the very elderly can obtain milk.In the mid-1980s Cuban had approximatley 2.5 million head of cattle, about the same number they had 150 years earlier, in 1827. Today it's around one million head. Contrast these figures with the 6.5 million head of cattle* on private ranches in 1958, the year that La Grande Cucaracha took control of the economy and it is evident that he and he alone is responsible for the dismal condition of the cattle industry now.

4) During the 1980s, the sugarcane harvest yielded more than 8 million metric tons, but in 2003, it had falled to 2.1 metric tons.The sugarcane industry is down severely due to the gross mismanagement and ineptitude in Havana. It cannot recover under this type of control from a central planning (what plans?) and lack of managerial skills.Macheteros, the men who cut the sugar cane, work 12 to 13 hours a day, 7 days a week, a back-breaking form of labor and are paid 300 (worthless) pesos a month. It is probably Cuba's most open form of labor intensive slavery**, and the profits end up in Havana, in fidelito's pockets. Before he arrived on the scene, Macheteros were paid $3.15 per 8 hour working day. Today's 300 peso pay has a purchasing power that is less than $10, compared to more than $90 pre-Castro. POroduction in 1958 was close to 6 million tons.{*Anthony J. Riera, Cattle, the Forgotten Industry)(**The Internet Travel Guide, 8/ 1/2005)(VI) PHONY MONEY, PHONY BALONEY5) The Cuban peso is not exchangeable, ONE OF THE FEW currencies around the world without an equivalent value in foreign countries.Note: Cuba's International Debt; amounts to more than $13 billion, and they are delinquent in payments to every trading partner. There is no way that any economist can see that it will be paid off. Castro has lived on credit for 46 years, on the largess of other nations either intentionally (USSR) or unintentionally (Australia, etc.), and there are no prospects of earning enough to pay off those debts. The plight of Cuba falls on the shoulders of a single mental incompetent, fidelito, la Cucaracha Grande.

6) Water delivery is unavailable in many areas, and sewerage system has fallen into serious disrepair from continuous neglect, as well as the failure of supervisory personnel. Water is often delivered by truck to homes that have been without running water for a long period of time.

7) The delivery of electricity is at an all-time low and there is no way those who supervise it can bring it back up to par, because the equipment is outdated. Again, mismanagement and lack of proper planning has allowed the more than adequate system they inherited from prior governments to fail. Biomass from sugar is a form of energy useful to the generation of electricity, but improperly used.

8) The infra-structure of the country has completely deteriorated, and estimates are that it will cost $80 billion to rebuild it. Again, total mismanagement is obvious.

9) Private farms are long gone, but with a little incentive those farmers could have grown enough fruit and vegetables to supplement the diet of ordinary Cubans, vegetarian perhaps, but certainly better than what they have now.

10) The fishing industry has been practically destroyed, because any fisherman with common sense who puts to sea will head for the coast of Florida. Fish caught are reserved for the tourist industry and Fidel and his cronies, but not for the ordinary Cuban citizens. They are not even allowed to eat fish; surrouned by an ocean full of fish, the fish are reserved for the tourists, mostly Canadians.

11) Child labor is rampant and is the norm in Cuba, but it is sponsored by the government itself. In other words, Fidel Castro exploits child labor. Liberals ignore this fact because in socialist systems everyone is supposed to work happily, even children. Everyone is working for the common good, for a utopia, so they all pitch in to do their part. Instead of reporting the shocking conditions in Cuba, Liberals go to Vietnam and Cambodio and check out/monitor firms producing products for American corporations, Nike, Adida, etc. They ignore the blatant use of children in the labor force, including cane fields, in Cuba.

12) Mechanized farming is at an all time low, probably lower than at any point for the past 75 to 100 years. Thousands of tractors sit idle for lack of parts and fuel, equipment is ruined because of outright neglect or carless operation, lack of repair. Using animals for plowing is not uncommon today, replacing mechanization, a reversal of how it works in capitalist countries. Aging equipment has not been replaced due to gross mismanagement by the centralized government, similar to the extreme waste that took place in the USSR under socialized farming systems.RATION BOOKS: PASSPORTS TO A TOTALITARIAN HELL13) Rationing food is one way of exercising control over the citizenry of a country, followed by government distribution centers for that food. It is now 46 years into socialism and in Cuba and everyone still needs a RATION BOOK. The Ration Books are a sign of a failed economy, and except in wartime, a sign of a totalitarian form of government. Every citizen is known and under the eye of the government, because without a Ration Book they would starve; it gives the government complete control and knowledge of every transaction. It is the ultimate weapon of government domination over every single individual in Cuba. Still after 47 years, Havana cannot fill even the minimum quotas of meat, fruit and vegetables for Cuba's people in order to ensure them of a healthy diet. The results are that a large part of the populace is mal-nourished. Where does the blame fall? Again, upon Havana and fidel, la Cucaracha Grande, of course.
Meat was produced locally (in Cuba) and was in plentiful supply before 1959 and fidelito, was even plentiful under the corrupt dictatorship of Juan Batista, but it is now almost non-existant for the average Cuban citizen.14) Even imprisonments of dissenters cannot keep them quiet, and discontent is nation-wide in Cuba. (Freedom of the Press? American's newspapers to raise such an issue? Heavens, they love fidelito castro, La Cucaracha Grande too much, I guess.) U.S. librarians, supposed champions of freedom of speech and the press are so dominated by socialist thugs that they don't speak out against the worst such abuses in this hemisphere and it's just 90 miles off-shore.CASTRO'S FABLED HEALTH CARE IS FICTION15) The success of the much-touted Cuban Heath Care industry has been nothing but a monstrous lie for years by the world's biggest wind-bag and blow-hard, and a study of the system would expose the overwhelming failures with very few successes. Infant deaths (mortality) are under-reported to conform to fidelito's lies and distortions of the truth. There are "Show Hospitals" for influencing foreign reporters and the Hollywood suckers, but they'reserved for those foreigners and commie functionaries, but in other sectopms in Cuba they're sub-standard by any comparison. Americans would refuse to submit to care in one of them. Note: Cuba's Health Care was so inadequate that they did not recommend Iodized Salt until 2002! That's inane.
THE FAILURE IS SO OBVIOUS THAT IT IS LUDICROUS, EVEN CRIMINAL FOR THE AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN MEDIA TO IGNORE...16) Nothing works properly from the top on down except the motor-mouth of La Cucaracha Grande, and it has been moving at top speed since 1959, from the constant exercise he gives it. Can you imagine eight hour speeches on TV, when he usurps the time on all the channels in Cuba?(IX) THE SUCCESSFUL CAPITALIST SYSTEM IN TOURIST ZONE SHOWS UP FAILURE OF SOCIALISM IN HAVANA !17) The only successes in Cuba since 1959 have been the Capitalist investments in the tourist industry, and they've built it up most successfully. Nothing else produces enough revenue to keep the goverment functioning properly. Nothing. Without the aid of a capitalist society, Cuba would be reduced to even more dire circumstances, as they tumble deeper into poverty. Without the U.S. dollars sent to Cuba by those who fled to the U.S. and other countries, it would resemble a concentration camp, like Buchenwald, with walking living skeletons. Without tourists from capitalist countries, Cuba would be financially bankrupt and even fidelito, La Cucaracha Grande would be an aged wrinkled stumbling maniacal skeleton-like apparation in a ragged khaki uniform. Capitalism supports socialism, capitalism allows socialism to exist because socialism is parasitic in nature.18) Education: how can he call it free when students work for their education witout pay? When fornication in the cane fields is the only compensation that they receive for what is termed hard labor by any world standard in civilized nations?19) Shortages: there are shortages in every conceivable segment of the economy, and not one single item can be singled out as being in adequate supply. Cuban stores cannot even compare to our Thrift Stores, to the worst stores in the nation. The sanitation measures are almost non-existant in markets.20) The U.S. Coast Guard is rescuing hundreds of Balseros each months, a wave of humanity that risk their lives to flee horrendous conditions at home, and the media ignores it. It is news and it is important; they'll write about the plight of people in the Sudan, but not those closest to home...simply because the country professes to be socialist. Always, socialism is the keyword that earns them a free pass by the press.21) The Cuban people are underfed, undernourished, underclothed, underpaid and constantly under duress. They suffer from privation in all sectors and in all manner of ways. It is an international crime, and the criminal in charge is: fidelito,LA CUCARACHA GRANDE, a monster in every way, but Hollywood's favorite tyrant.22) Many Cubans have lived above the norm because of the generosity of relatives who live and work abroad. Without that help, a greater percentage of Cubans would live below the poverty level, often in squalor. Equality in socialist societies usually means equally poor, but that's for the common people, not for the socialist elite. Alway, always in all societies there is that Ruling Class and they take on the mantle of royalty, such as fidelito's fleet of powerful Mercedes' sedans in which he travels while everyone else goes third class..23) Cubans are forbidden to use their own beaches, cannot visit restaurants in the Tourist Zone, cannot swim in the pools there, cannot enjoy any of the luxuries, shop in the Malls or stores there. It is a two tier society, the tourists and the impoverished compliant Cubans.24) Think of this: most Cuban children have never tasted candy, never had a decent toy, never had a computer, never surfed, never had a skateboard, a decent Sony walkman, a nice TV, good playground equipment. A skateboard, for example, would cost the equivalent of a year's salary. Yet, fidelito is worth more than $550 million dollars personally.It seems to me that if the Los Angeles Times, the New York Times, Boston Globe or Chicago Tribune had editors who used half an ounce of their brains (and that would be expecting a lot) to think about it, they'd have reporters covering Cuba at every level and they'd gain Pulitzer Prize material for exposing the problems both in Havana, and Island wide, but they are simply too liberal to expose the failings of any liberal or socialist system. Knee-jerk wonders at the helm, ball-less staff members below.Amateur Bloggers are more than adequately doing their job for them, but they won't pay attention to them. Seemingly they lack the common sense to use this easily available material for a research base, and then from there move into more fertile fields of endeavor on the island itself. Or is that too dangerous for them, a visit to Cuba, ferreting out the true story, the horrors that go on, the torture cells, the spies in every block of homes, the lack of refridgeration in homes? The last series about a ten year old girl boxer in the L.A. Times showed just how far down the old rag has fallen. No wonder the editor resigned; I hope they cancelled his pension or at least cut it in half. I'd have resigned after that world-shaking bit too.The Balseros desperately keep heading out to sea, but this nation's editors still won't go against the liberal mantra, believing that a murderous tyrannical fascist dictator can do no wrong, as long as it is done in the name and under the guise of socialism and for the benefit of the little people, the ones who are most suppressed and opressed by that very same tyrant!The 15,000 Cubans who have been executed, and the 80,000 who have met their deaths in the sea between Cuba and Florida mean nothing to them (our liberals in charge of the media), not a single tear shed, not a sigh of remorse, because La Cucaracha Grande es una socialista. The only growth that Cuba has shown is in the population...because that's all that there is left for local entertainment at night in Cuba, fornication. But, fidelito has fornicated a nation of 11 million already and he will continue to do so in death, unless drastic steps are taken NOW! He treats all dissidents like flies, tearing their wings off and watching their struggles, placing them in small cells under the most dire conditions. He shows his defiance, this same picture to the world and laughs at them all. In the meantime, he sends his American slaves, such as Danny Glover and Harry Belafonte, to Venezuela, running his errands, taking on his missions, and subverting another nation. Again, he is unopposed, again he is craftily undermining the opposition, a have closely followed Cuba and Castro for 48 years in all aspects. But, many Bloggers and others who have fled Cuba have contributed to my knowledge of the above, and there are too many to list, but each one of them refers you to another and it is most wise to visit and read,, Quid Nimis, killcastro.comThanks to: George Moreno, Rafael, Agustin Blasquez, Jaime Sutton, killcastro, Anonymous, Mario...
INTELLECTUALLY DISHONEST NEWS MAGAZINES: TIME, NEWSWEEK, World News, etc.All these failures have been blamed on George W. Bush, who was hardly a child when fidelito came to power.
FIDELITO, LA CUCARACHA GRANDE ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1958-2005Executed more than 15,000 Cuban citizens.Reduced number of newspapers from 58 to 17.Reduced number of TV stations from 23 to ???Reduced cattle herds from 6 million to 1 million head.Reduced sugarcane production from 6 million tons to 2 million.Reduced milk production from plentiful to strictly rationed.Reduced production of electricity drastically.Reduced cheese production from export to minimum.Reduced hours of electricity to 12 hours per day (or thereabouts).Failed to replace aging electrical generating plants.In 1996 there were 1.5 million TV sets, about 1 for every 9 inhabitants.Cubans are forbidden by law from watching TV programs from U.S.In 1996 there were 2.1 million radios, about l for every 5 inhabitants.Cubans are forbidden by law from listening to radio programs from U.S.Starred in longest running TV program: The Great Windbag: 1958-2005Founded La Cucaracha Health Care System, barely functioning.Maintained 1958 level for telephones - 3 per 100 inhabitants.Cuba now ranks last among Latin American countries in growth of exports.Calories per day consumed by Cubans fell by 20%, a large percentage of the population is malnourished.Labor - Central de Trajabadores (Gov.)- 3 million workers - 300 pesos per mo.Encouraged Univ. of Havana scientists to study: Migratory Habits of Cubans.Infact mortality rate: in 1958 Cuba ranked 13th worldwide, but now drops to 24th (and not all infant deaths are reported).Increased number of people studying celestial navigation by 1800%, weekly.Increased number of flotation devicesI. CUBA: HARD CURRENCY DEBT* (Dec. 2004)CREDITORS BY COUNTRY DEBT (in US$)Japan (1) $2.331 billionArgentina (2) $1.967 billionSpain (3) $1.765 billionFrance (4) $1.316 billionVenezuela (5) $992 millionChina (6) $682 millionMexico (7) $480 millionItaly (8) $447 millionUnited Kingdom (9) $371 millionGermany (10) $317 millionNetherlands (11) $295 millionRussia [post-Soviet era debts] (12) $235 millionCzech Republic (13) $226 millionBelgium (14) $221 millionPanama (15) $200 millionCanada (16) $90 millionAustria (17) $79 millionBrazil (18) $40 millionTrinidad & Tobago (19) $30 millionUruguay (20) $30 millionSweden (21) $22 millionUndisclosed Foreign Financing (22) $258 millionOther Historic Debt (23) $893 million (est.)*On the basis of Nov. 2004 exchange rates and rounded to the nearest million.TOTAL $13.288 billion (est.)

ΒΆ 12:08 AM 4 comments

Is it not censorship when Blogger allows people who read MY Blog, as well as others, to RED FLAG what they find objectionable? What can be objectionable? Anything, for that matter. Anything. It takes just one or two or three persons acting in concert to get someone else removed from Blogger.

Blogger is owned by Google. Does Google approve of this? You can Google anything you want on the Web, of any political persuasion, anti-American as well as pro-American, but you can be censored on Blogger by a few people with an agenda of their own.

Fine. If so, then we need to Red Flag every damn Liberal blog we find on Blogger, get rid of them, because that's what they can do to us. Right? Wrong. We'd be acting like Castro, La Cucaracha Grande, in Cuba. But if Blogger allows it, then Blogger is wrong, dead wrong.
Howard E. Morseburg

Ye Olde Codger-tator

This is Sept. 9th and they're still erasing my Blog.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Even though my cockroaches have been removed by me (except one, which someone else removed), and I put in the American flag, they are still removing my Blogs.

Why? Tell me why, mister Blogger.

If you want to see what a cockroach looks like, then go to my other Blog,
Standing Firm:
This one has nothing to do with fidel, of course, just for those who have never seen a cockroach so that they will know what one looks like if they find one in their homes. Call an exterminator, of course.

We'll know in the morning whether or not that was the problem. I put in a picture of the American flag, so if it all remains in the a.m., then we'll know that something was wrong with putting Fidel's head on a cockroach. Oh dear me, what a big mistake I must have made.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

All I want to know is what I am doing wrong. Again and again and again, my Blogs are deleted.


I put time and thought into them, and as an American, a US citizen, believing in the Second Amendment (not like Cuba, where you have no rights at all), I put my thoughts into words.

Well, let's see what happens tonight.



BUT all they have to do is to email me and tell me why. I am a hard-working honest guy, lived a fairly long life, and did my duty as I saw it all these years.

Now, if it is a law or a policy or something, then let me know.
Howard E. Morseburg


Trying to escape a country where they cannot exercise Freedom

of Speech, Freedom of the Press, where they cannot Blog or

own computers (unless they work for the government), where

they cannot own Computer companies and control their own

destinies. They live on 250 pesos a month, less than $20 a month, even

if they are computer engineers, teachers, or laborers.

Think about that!


I'm almost 81 years old. I served in WWII. Except for that time, when all overseas mail was censored, I've never had my writings, my letters, my pamphlets censored except when The Free Speech Committee at Berkeley demanded that my posters be removed from the Berkeley Book Store. (Free speech, yeah, for them!)

Now, someone is removing my posts here at Blogger. No one has told me I am in violation of any rules. No one has written me. No one has replied to my questions.

These guys at Blogger do a nice job and I appreciate them, I've been blogging for a few years and have enjoyed it, but are they censoring Blogs or not? Am I violating some policy. All they have to do is write me at:

I'd like to know the answers. If I do not get them, I tape a TV program in three hours, a weekly program, and I will bring this up.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

15,000 Executions=450,000 Executions
La Cucaracha and the Executions!

Since 1959, more than 15,000 men, women and children have been executed in Cuba by the direct orders of both Fidel Castro and Che Gueverra. That would equal 450,000 executions in the U.S.

Recently, 75 Home Librarians, trying to circumvent what is essentially book burning and censorship of books not approved by Fidel Castro, were sentenced to terms as long as 30 years! In the U.S. that would be 2,250 men jailed for loaning out books of a Liberal point of view or a Conservative point of view.

Two million Cubans are now living abroad. That would be a diaspora of 60 million Americans for fleeing tyranny in the U.S.

More than 80,000 are known to have been lost as sea fleeing Cuba, which would equal 2,400,000 Americans dying at sea while heading for Cuba or Jamaica.

Ask yourself, if Castro is such a genius, such a good guy, why have so many people fled? Why does he need spies in every single block who report on citizens movements. Why doe he now have 300 prisons in Cuba when there were only 12 on the island before he took over? Why? Doesn't it make you question what is going on?

He offered 26 tons of medical supplies to the U.S., but if the embargo has deprived the island of medical supplies as some people claim, where does he suddenly get 26 tons from? Odd, isn't it?

Doesn't this make an impression on the pro-Castro group? Would they approve of this in the U.S. Would they accept a tyrranical dictator for 46 years? Or, as long as he was a communist or socialist, would they accept him for 46 years?

Would they agree with Pres. Bush for 46 years, or with Pres. Clinton for 46 years, or a Sen. John Kerry as President for 46 years? But why is it good for Cuba and not for the U.S.?

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Now, whether I post a picture of a flag, a bug or a tyrannical and murderous Dictator, I should be able to do so, right? Well, let's see, this is a country with a Second Amendment to their Constitution, right? Should we all observe it or not?
Let me know what you think about it.
Here we go again, with a Flag and a bug.

La Cucaracha Grande
Here he is, in all his glory, the tyrannical murderous Dictator of Cuba. His record: more than 15,000 executions since 1959.
The most vile, the most evil person to head (illegally) any nation in this hemisphere in the past 100 years.

Hollywood's Little Sweetie, who has steadily drained the country of almost all of its' assets, amassed a personal fortune estimated (by Forbes) at more than half a billion by looting all wealth from the citizens of Cuba, violating the Constitution that was in effect in 1959, impoverished more than ten million Cubans, instituted a tyrannical regime that has stolen every bit of self-respect from Cubans with his secret police and block wardens, and more than 300 prisons (there were 12 in all of Cuba when he first entered Havana).
Thousands have lost their lives while trying to escape the island, trying to gain freedom from this tyranny. For 46 years Americans have observed this desperate struggle for freedom from tyranny, yet there is no outcry to end it. Would we, as a nation, tolerate any single individual to hold the reins of power for ten, fifteen, even twenty years? Then why do Hollywood celebrities approve of this human cockroach in Havana?
fidelito and Baron Munchausen
I am going to keep bringing this up, the strong resemblance between fidelito and Baron Munchausen, the legendary fabricator of stories that stretched the truth like endless bands of rubber.
There is no way to verify the claims made by this little bearded man who can talk non-stop for hours on end, who lives in a dream world, a fantasy-land that exists only in his mind, nowhere else.Why is it that few people call it this way? Why is it such celebrities as Spielberg, Nicholson, WaaWaa, Susan Sarendan, Kevin Costner and so many others are so convinced that he is doing so much for Cuba? Where, where in the Hell is their common sense? Where did they leave their brains when they went to Havana, back in the U.S., or did they turn to mush under Svengali fidelito's gaze.?

Credit Card problems? Read: Howard's Views

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Mr. CEO, Blogger, tell me what I am doing wrong, please. Write me.
I'm still trying to find out if I am violating a rule at Blogger. My last seven posts have kept disappearing and I do not understand WHY. After all, I am a nice peaceful person, write a decent brand of English, do not use swearwords (in print) too often, but do wonder how a guy like Castro can continue in power for 46 years and why so many Americans admire him...after he has executed more than 15,000 Cubans.
Is this too much for some people? At 81, I still have a lot of curiousity about such things. I also have a problem when it comes to censorship in the U.S. I saw a little tiny bit of communism when I was in the USSR during WWII, and had conversations with Russians who told me some horrible stories about it. Now, is this too much to write?
by Howard E. Morseburg
The hemisphere's second biggest cockroach, Hugo Chavez, has to go, but Pat should have said deposed and not called for an assassination as he did. (If he is shot as he is being deposed, well, okay. He's murdered a few men in his time and it's no big loss.)
That was a huge mistake and it gave the U.S.'s biggest grand-stander and super-opportunist, Jesse Jack(-off)son, a chance to cash in once again, flying down to Caracas faster than a speeding bullet, where he hugged and kissed Minimal Dictator Hugo Chavez. Jesse never saw a socialist or a murderous dictator he didn't love. Unfortunately he missed being in New Orleans where he could have gathered in some more booty from another unfortunate situation, which he seems to do with regularity.
"Jesse, you need to be there when the money is handed out, damn it. You'll miss getting your share if you don't hurry."
All the while some of the other little varietals of cockroaches have been scurrying back and forth between Havana and Caracas, the two most noted being Harry Belafonte and Danny Glover. It is obvious that they're totally involved in the plans of Cuban La Cucaracha Grande plans to commify all of South America or at least create so much turmoil that those countries will be embroiled in revolutions for the next decade or two. Why not call them what they obviously are, communist agents of the Cuban government intent on infiltrating Venezuelan politics and changing it from a Democracy to a full-blown Dictatorship with a Marist ideology. That really means, "Steal all you can boys. You don't need to make it...when you can just reach out and take it."
(see Aug. 01 Squashing Cockroaches for more on the subject)