Saturday, July 09, 2005


It seems that no matter how much help I get with my compouters (yes, I do spell it pout), there is always something going wrong with one or the other, or both, or the printer, or this and that. Damn.

A lot of my week simply goes into preparing and doing a simple one half hour TV show, on PEG Access, and you know how many viewers one has there, not too many, so the time becomes overwhelming for the amount of impact you make. It is on Cable TV in three not-to-large cities in Santa Barbara County. However, after more than two years and 120 programs, I think that I am about to embark on another career, that of a Professional Speaker. At my age, now 80, I think one has to move ahead. I want to speak on two subjects, either the duplicity of the Credit Card Industry, or the fidel castro regime in Cuba. I'll call it, The Truth About Cuba. It will be a hard-sell in some venues, but what the hell, life ain't easy. The brave ones are those who defy that cucaracha while still living there and risking prison with every word they write or utter.

This is not to say those who leave aren't courageous, because they are, especially the Balseros. I spent five years at sea, in the Merchant Marine, when I was young. I know a little bit about it. I also got caught in a sudden squall on Long Island Sound in a small sail-boat one time, about 18 ft., and it was hairy getting back to the dock. If it had been 90 miles to shore, we'd not have made it.

I'm also preparing a new Blog site. I think it may make some people quite upset. One of these days I'll have to devote some time to earning a living as well, and cleaning up my messy house too.


At Saturday, July 30, 2005, Blogger John R. said...

Howarde, when you creat you anti-fidel site... let us know so that we can link it at Cuban-American Pundits. Thanks.


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