Saturday, May 08, 2004

There isn't any organization in the World that is perfect. We'll make mistakes in Iraq, some serious, some not so serious. So far, I'd say that if we were being rated on an Exam, that we'd come out with at least a 95%. Not 100%, but 95%. If Iranians took charge of Iraq, what would they get as a rating? Freedom would be a lost cause.

What about Syria taking control? What are Syrian, Iranian, Egyptian or Moroccan prisons like? What kind of guards do they have there?

The ones who are doing the damage, the ones who are causing the Iraqi nation all of its' problems today, are Iraqis with a political agenda. To us, Religious organizations do not fight for control of the country. They may compete, but they do not stir up rebellions. The Muslim clerics seem to do just that, have a political agenda and a wish to rule over the people. Not to get them to Heaven, but to actually rule them.

No one is safe as long as those terrorist organizations are on the loose. They can't earn a 5% rating with ordinary Iraqis. The Arab press? A bunch of mongoloids with ball pont pens sticking through both ears!


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