Friday, October 17, 2003

There are two professors named Bray, one now teaching at USC, and the other one Emeritus USC, and both are defenders of the school system in Cuba, and the "alternative form of government" that appeals to most Cubans.

Well, I guess I will begin to use the Blogger's term, ASSHATS. Damn, can you imagine, two more apologists for the government of that murderous dictator, Fidel. As with all those wierdos in our Institutions of Higer Learning, they go there again and again, and all they see are lovely happy little kids in school, so nothing else matters.

They wrote a nice letter to the LATimes and got it duly published. After all, they have the credentials and I have none. That's why my letters never make it in the Times.

In Santa Barbara county I have had more than 100 letters and articles published, but not in the LAT. I do not kowtow to the Liberal Line by that Liberal rag. I read it though; it is the largest paper in this area. What else can I do?

I'll write more about these braying asses in tomorrow's Blog, believe me. The Trojans should cancel the contract for that white horse they ride at their football games and find an ass, perhaps two asses, and put these two brayers on them.

While prayers may be banned in schools now, these two have said their brayers in the LAT though, believe me.


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