Saturday, August 16, 2003

Hey, isn't this a great country? I mean, look, millions of people own their own homes and a car, computers, and all the nice things in life. We should be pretty happy, right?

But for some reason or other, there are those who are dissatisfied and want to change the system. They tout the great advantages that the Cubans have over us, a country ruled by a murderous monster whom they call El Presidente, although no such title exists in Cuba, and that title evokes the memory of legally elected officials, which NONE of the Cuban heirarchy can claim.

HOMES: All the homes in Cuba are owned by the government. That's why so many of them are falling apart. Who in the Havana municipal government cares one twit whether your living room has been painted recently or not, whether your toilet bowl needs to be replaced, whether your windows work properly? Who? You get assigned to a home, and that's it.

And, while you earn the magnificant sum of $30 a month, which barely feeds and clothese you, are you going to spend ten bucks for paint to make an apartment you don't own look better? So, you live in a place that seems to get a little worse each year, because no one cares.

Everyone lives like this. Instead of equal opportunity, it is equal poverty, poverty of the soul, mind and spirit, because not only your home, but YOU are owned by the government.

Then, a FIVE STAR RAT, shows up, one from America, an American multi-millionaire named Harry Belafonte, and he is a personal friend of the murderous Emperor of the Caribbean, Fidel Castro, and he makes speeches telling YOU, a Cuban, how nice you have it there in Cuba, that you should be grateful to Fidel for all you (don't) have. Then this FIVE STAR RAT, HARRY BELAFONTE, flies home, perhaps in a private jet, and his chauffeur meets him at the airport with his Mercedes sedan. If you want to call him a Six Star Rat, that's okay, but I am sticking with the Michilen Rating System. He gets *****FIVE STARS RAT rating from me.

He can throw parties in Hollywood, but in Cuba, you cannot have a gathering for a party because it is against the law. In Cuba you cannot go to the store and find any type of food you want, but HARRY BELAFONTE, the FIVE STAR RAT, can do so in Beverly Hills or Brentwood. He's a f**king millionaire, and he could not be one in Cuba, but he can in the United States, right.


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